The earliest meetings were not too grand! A group of 16 Filipinos in a city park—a group of missionaries in a home—a mixture of people in a rented hall—all flowed together, and Lighthouse Ministries was born!

Are you interested in becoming a part of our ministries? We have many other areas where your unique gifts and talents will match the church’s needs.
The Lighthouse Ministries participating as a church for the Global Outreach Day Hong Kong 2018 on May 27 in Kowloon Park, Hong Kong. The wonderful song on the video "No One Like Our God" by Lincoln Brewster, our theme song for the global event.
Lighthouse is served by a dedicated team including pastor, board, worship leaders, and other gifted and enthusiastic volunteers. Together, they make up a balanced team, working to lead each one into a life-changing relationship with God and others in the church family.
Pastor Jennifer Nolin
Pastor Jennifer has spent most of her life in Asia—growing up in Singapore in a missionary family, working in northern China for many years, and serving at Lighthouse since 1995. Pastor Jennifer's vision and calling are to see people transformed through life-changing encounters with God—through the power of the anointed Word, Spirit-fuelled prayer, and heartfelt worship. As each of us and our church become who God has designed us to be, He moves through us to transform those around us.
The Church Board
The church board is diverse, faithful, and gifted, reflecting both our international and local character. They oversee the business of the church and the day-to-day decisions.